Tag Archives: Biggest Loser

Biggest Loser Marathon

19 May

Sorry for not posting last night like I had planned. I slept through my gym alarm (AGAIN!!!) and felt like an utter blob all day. Halfway through watching Biggest Loser I decided that I would watch it at the gym while I did the elliptical. Lately I haven’t had any desire to go to the gym after I get home from work so I consider this a great achievement! I ended up doing 20 mins on the elliptical and 20 mins on the bike. I tried not to push too hard because I do have the a half on Saturday and don’t want my legs to be sore or tired.

Honestly, I haven’t done much for 3 weeks. I have faced a lot of setbacks and haven’t felt like I could do much after the Flying Pig. My ankle and arch on my left foot have really ached. I have been so concerned that I don’t hurt it any more before this race so I have been taking it pretty easy. But with this resting I have felt like such a lazy blob. I wish I could do more but right now I just don’t feel like it is possible.

All of that means that I feel completely unprepared for this half. I am hoping that my ankle will hold up well from all this rest. But one thing is for sure, I will finish this race. Even if I have to walk (which I am really hoping won’t happen) the whole thing. I am doing this race as a challenge for myself. I want to complete 3 half marathons in 30 days and I am more determined than ever to make that happen.

I am always so inspired by Biggest Loser. They achieve so much in such little time. I consider myself in decent shape but they are true athletes. I have never in my life worked (out) so hard and honestly I think Jillian would kill me. However, I would like to be ripped like her. Maybe one day…

Well, the cookies for the hubs’ classes are cooling and will be eaten on Friday. We were able to make them all tonight so we are now able to concentrate on other things tomorrow night like mentally and physically preparing for the race.

How do you mentally prepare for a race?

I usually wear a race shirt the day before that I am really proud of. Before the mini I wore the 10 miler shirt because I was really proud of my time. I just might wear that shirt again on Friday!